
Caroline Sanders

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No matter how skilled the business owner is or how popular their products are, a business won't be successful if it doesn't connect with the right customers. The same goes for job seekers, you can't secure your desired role if you can't reach potential employers. Through our networks, you will have much bigger access to opportunities and can get guidance from us on how to present yourself. With more than 16 years of local Brisbane contacts, we have relationships with the decision-makers. To help you unlock the potential of our networks and sidestep possible pitfalls, here are important tips to remember:

Do Not Use The Machine gun approach
Utilising our network is a way to genuinely meet the right opportunities and mutually beneficial relationships with people with the same outlook and values as opposed to the machine gun and firing out that CV to as many people as you can, will give you the opposite of your intended results. Take the time to trust us with your details based on our positive relationships with clients, the right role for you, and the right person of the client.

The importance of transparency
Clear and engaging communication aids in making a good first impression and sets the base for a potentially long-term professional relationship. Job seekers who might be reluctant to answer questions about their background may raise some flags about their ability to communicate with future coworkers or clients. Being open and honest about your skills, what you have done so far in your job search and the feedback from interviews will allow us to help you.

Good communication is key
As simple as sending a quick email, text if you cannot talk can mean a whole lot. Stay connected with us. This follow-up helps to foster the relationship and keeps you at the forefront of our minds.
Ignoring this step can make it appear as though you're not truly interested in moving, potentially missing out on opportunities that may arise from it in the future.

Keep connected
Too often, job seekers lose connection and fade away as time passes. Keeping in contact can help you keep up to date with industry trends and news.

We are humans and communication is a continuous, proactive process rather than a reactive one. Keep these tips at the forefront and you'll increase your chances of making truly useful connections that can accelerate your career.

Arcadia Recruitment are specialist in Architecture, Design, and Planning in Brisbane if you would like help with finding your new role, please feel free to get in touch for a confidential discussion.

Caroline Sanders – Director of Arcadia Recruitment