
Caroline Sanders

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In our previous blog, we discussed that applying for a job was much simpler back in the day. Your private life was exactly that. Now that social media has become an essential aspect of everyday life, we are all now exposed to people checking our profiles and background. Social media can help your chances of being employed. It is legal for employers to check public social media accounts, consider creating at least one account for professional purposes and keep personal accounts private.

What to avoid:
1. Avoid posting anything potentially offensive both written and photos.
2. If you wouldn’t bring this conversation and particular picture to work and leave it on your desk don’t post it to your public page.
3. Be purposeful in your posts. Ask yourself: What is my goal with posting this? why do I want people to see this, Is this best for a private discussion or for all the public to see?
4. Keep it simple: Remember that less is more in your public profiles.
5. Never complain about employers, colleagues, or friends – past or present – on social media.

Think before you post.
Social media is an extension of yourself, and although it sometimes feels detached from the working world, your actions online can have consequences for your professional life. When creating and sharing content on your social media profiles, stop and take a moment to think about how it may reflect on you and beyond your immediate friend group.

If a potential employer were to see it during a screening, would it harm your chances of landing that big job you’ve been hoping for? If so, consider not sharing it in the first place.

Arcadia Recruitment are specialist in Architecture, Design and Planning in Brisbane if you would like help with finding your new role, please feel free to get in touch for a confidential discussion.

Caroline Sanders – Director of Arcadia Recruitment