
Caroline Sanders

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Wow, it's heading fast towards the last quarter of the year. We are nearly at that time when we sit back and reflect on what progress we have made. Take some time to examine what you achieved and determine where you want to take yourself moving forwards.

Here are some questions to help you. Ask yourself before you start:
What are my career goals?

  • What skills are in demand in this market?
  • Does my current position fulfill me, is there something missing?

Once you have the answers to the above. Ask yourself these 8 questions and be honest as you are not talking to an employer but talking to yourself.

  1. What skills have I learned this year? These can be technical or soft skills.
  2. Have I achieved all or some of my career goals this year? Have I improved from the beginning of the year, or have I stayed the same?
  3. How well did I take on new challenges outside of my comfort zone? What was my biggest achievement? E.g., that impossible project that I finished with outstanding feedback.
  4. What duties and tasks did I enjoy most and least? As you progress, you may need to take on new challenges. Identify areas of your job that you love and whether you will see yourself continuing to do these tasks in the coming years and whether they are a part of progressing or not.
  5. Am I up to date professionally with skills? What do I need to learn?
  6. In the year gone has there been circumstances that have affected your work-life balance?
  7. Do I have good habits or unproductive ones? Identify a plan if you need to make some changes.
  8. What should I do next – What time frame should I do this in and what do I want/need next; training, registration/certification, promotion, or new company?

    Now is the best time to plan your trajectory and an action plan on how to achieve your career goals.Create a priority list and steps. What skills am I lacking that I need to progress. Should I change employers and what should I focus on to prepare for the next stage?

You need to assess honestly and have an action plan. There is no harm in carrying out a career review on yourself. Time for self-reflection and planning. At Arcadia Recruitment, we offer industry insight, and expert knowledge, on how to get your next role. Talk to us confidentially to learn more.

Arcadia Recruitment are specialist in Architecture, Design, and Planning in Brisbane if you would like help with finding your new role, please feel free to get in touch for a confidential discussion.

Caroline Sanders – Director of Arcadia Recruitment